Insuring the Digital Age
Chances are, your general purpose policy covers certain damage and data loss to your computer and/or device.
However, what if your business depends so much on computers, computer systems and online interaction that a single virus infection could wipe out a lifetime of work?
Let’s face it. We are living in the digital age now more than ever before. Not only our records but our very lives are posted in cyberspace, and computers are our vehicles that get us there. With all the dangers on the road, we need coverage for our automobiles. Can the same apply to our computers as well?
Of course, data protection is a must. Many policies will probably cover revenue losses due to things like power failures, virus/malware infections, but how many cover against things like network security lapses, hackers, and other attacks? Data is the heart of the digital age. Is it as well protected as our physical valuables?
And what of liability? Extensive computer and data liability policies also protect against libel and copyright infringements that could result in serious legal action as well as errors and omissions. They may also cover employees who unwittingly transmit viruses via email and whose computers have become the unwilling prey of spambots.
Also, many policies will cover damages and liability to a computer and its users, but what of your equipment that interfaces with your computers? Some policies will cover that, others won’t.
And of course, employees that rely on company-owned smart devices, tablets and laptops in the field would benefit greatly from a comprehensive replacement plan for lost, stolen or damaged devices.
Though it all sounds daunting, you’ve got a team of experts on your side that can help sort everything out. Whether you’re ready for the mobile digital age or not, you can rest assured that your insurance policy will be.
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