Hybrid Discounts and Coffee-Cars
With the media abuzz with greener transportation, alternative fuels and lower emissions, no doubt you may be wondering, “I’m doing my part for the environment, but how will it affect my auto insurance premium?”
Turns out, hybrid owners could be offered discounts, too!
Travelers Insurance offers discounts to its customers who either own or lease a hybrid auto. Lower emissions and lower insurance premiums. Win-win. Right?
Not to be outdone in the field of alternative fuels, the coffee-powered car has been made a reality on the other side of the world… …sort of.
Speeding into the Guinness Book of World Records at a blinding 65 MPH, the modified Ford pickup (also known as the Car-Puccino) runs on combusted hydrogen created from the boiled chaff of roasted coffee beans. Not quite tanking up on Starbucks, but still a pretty impressive feat.
So no, we may not see the Coffee-Powered car at our local Ford dealer any time soon, but the experiment in speed proves that the world of alternative fuels is as wide open as ever. And with companies like Travelers rewarding owners of low-emissions vehicles, the sky could very well be the limit.
Even if your car doesn’t run on coffee, your hybrid may still be eligible for a discount. Give us a call and find out!
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First Baldwin Insurance
Coffee-Powered Car Breaks World Record